
BAHAHAHA so i havent posted in exactly 2years and 8days! wow I SUCK !! hope there are still ppl out there that care! life just got a little crazy! so here are the last 2 years in a nut shell!

i got pregnant ... which if you know me well enough that kinda sums up about 4 months... its the same story really.. i wake up i puke i puke again and again.. about 30 times i go to sleep.. i cry and cry because i feel like such a bad mommy... korlen would beg me to get up off the couch and get him a snack and it was seriously so hard! He really learned how to fend for himself... lol times like these made me wish for family around to be at my beck and call!! seriously thoug! but we made it though.. i have an amazing husband that brought me breakfast in bed EVERY SINGLE DAY for the enitre pregnancy! what a life saver! I also had a lot better drugs this time! you know the kind they give to sick cancer patients of cemo! yup yup i took that and another drug every 3 hrs like clock work! serious drug addict... let alont that one pill cost $12.... A PILL !! sheesh ! I also had a standing order at the I.V. clinit to go get pumped full of fluids which i did requently!.. but life went on! i got feeling a lot better as long as i ate and took drugs.. i ended up in the end few months not throwing up at all!

But the time comes in everyones pregnancy that your done! the done done that makes you do crazy things. so i took caster oil.. walked almost 2 miles jogged up and down my stairs, cleaned my kitchen top to bottom scrubbing and scrubbing, did tie boe workout, lorenzo massaged the presure point that are supposed to put you into labor... and some other recreations that are supposed to put you into labor ;) hehe... and then i started bleeding! like gushing blood! so scary! went to the hospital and after sitting there about 5 hrs i my water broke i got and eppi and was in full labor... i went from a 5 to a 10 in less then 30 min and pushed 3 times! it was AWESOME! And It was Supper bowl Sunday LOL gotta love a football baby! but as i told you before i was gushing blood and it didnt stop! for 2 hrs after the baby was born it didnt stop! I was bleeding to death on the delivery table! i told lorenzo to make sure that little baby knew how much i loved him and to make sure Korlen never forgot what kind of mommy i was and that i loved him so much as well!

But Prayers are andswered and i pulled through! What a blessing! Korlen Loves his little brother! He has never shown any signs of jealousy at all just loVe! and what a blessing that is! he is seriously the best Big Brother this Little guy to ask for !

after a day of deciding we named him Tahlae Budd

we had a really fun summer playing outside a lot and going on vaca to vegas.. it was a fun year! we had a great christmas in Idaho... the boys had a lot of fun playing with cousin lilly! And as always they got really really spoiled!! just before christmas I partnered in opening a dance fitness gym called Sweat! i think it has a lot of potential.. if only we could get ppl in the door! our life has been busy and crazy and fun and exciting and stressful and rediculous and loud and ....... LIFE!! I just hope to be a little better at being on here and making more accessible to live it with us! Love you all

now here comes 2012


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