Define siblings

Oh bless their hearts! These two are either best friends or worst enimies. And it usually switches between the two in a matter of seconds, several times a day. But when they are playing nice they are like two peas in a pod. Korlen has his own special individual relationship with each of them, but the relationship they have with each other is just too fun! Recently Evelett has been obsessed with holding Tahlae's hand and she will follow him around holding her hand out for him saying "hand hand" he actually doesn't really like this but sometimes he relents to appease her and I LOVE when he does. 
I mean how cute is that! They walk along and she will stop him to look at the bugs or dandelions or whatever which is perfect for him because he is THE BIGGEST slow poke I know being the epitome of stopping to smell the roses! Not a day goes by that he doesn't bring me the most random, simple thing like a rock or a leaf that he has found  to be a treasure. So because of this they bond over random beauty of this world most of us would overlook lol

I made the realization the other day that I always give Korlen charge or responsibility over Tahlae and Evelett and ask him to do things for them and because of that it seems that their relationship is so much better. I gave Korlen the task of being the "big brother"but when Evelett came along I did not give the opportunity to Tahlae. Now that Korlen is in school more and away from the house I have given Tahlae more opportunities to be the "big brother" or "big man" to Evelett I have seen a huge difference! Now that he has a responsibility to his little sister he is so much more patient and kind.he loves and serves everyone so much better. And I realize that all he needed was the opportunity! And because I gave him when he has flourished!
This is him helping Evelett say her prayers.I caught them like this one day out of the blue moments like these warm my heart!

 Best of friends & worst enemies..... I think that is the definition of siblings... 


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